How to make a vertical herb planter
Save space by growing vertically. Hayley shows you how this works in our blog post.
Do you want to benefit from all
Einhell advantages?
Save space by growing vertically. Hayley shows you how this works in our blog post.
In this blog post, we show you how to keep your pump properly maintained.
How to properly mow your lawn. Find out how and when to best mow your lawn on the Einhell blog. Read…
How to make an insect mansion with a living roof.
Quickly achieve the perfect lawn with Einhell lawn trimmers. You can find out how to do it here.
With the switch to summer time, days are getting a bit longer and you can take a look at your lawn…
Here you will find the step by step instruction to create your own bean frame.
Whether its for privacy, security or like our blogger Hayley to protect your crops - follow our how…
Learn how your chainsaw can deliver full performance with regular maintenance and cleaning.
No sooner than the spring sun has driven out the wintery grey do its rays bring the green grass back…
A potting bench is an essential for any gardener. This bench is a simple construction with a back…
Autumn, Winter and even Spring seem to get wetter every year, turning my allotment paths and garden…
Welcome to the Einhell blog. Here we present exciting new products, informative reports and unique projects from the worlds of trade and DIY - from the world of Einhell. Whether for the house, the garden, or just the joy of handicraft itself; with Einhell's innovative products you have the perfect tool by your side for your dream projects.