Garden pumps

Proper cleaning and maintenance

Garden pumps are real all-rounders when it comes to watering your garden. To ensure that you and your plants can benefit from the performance of our pumps for a long time, we'll explain how you can maintain your pump properly. From cleaning to repair: With our tips and tricks for care and maintenance, you can increase the life cycle of your garden pump.

A man is working with his cordless garden pump

How do I properly connect my garden pump?

There are many different types of water pumps. The garden pumps from Einhell are suction pumps – these draw water from a reservoir, such as a rain barrel or well, and pass it on at high pressure.

Unlike submersible pumps, you have much more flexibility when installing and connecting a suction pump. You can place the robust, mobile pumps more freely and only have to pay attention to the maximum suction height.

Garden pumps have two connection ports for hoses: the suction connection port and the pressure connection port. As the name suggests, you lead the suction hose of the suction connection port into the water source. You can then connect your garden hose to the pressure connection port and enjoy plenty of water for your garden.

How do I bleed my garden pump?

Before using your garden pump for the first time, you should always bleed it. You can easily pour in water with a watering can through a separate water filling opening. The water displaces the existing air in the new pump and enables the integrated impeller to generate the negative pressure necessary for pumping.

Make sure to occasionally check if the water level in the pump is high enough. If air collects at the impeller, this can have a negative effect on the performance and life cycle of your pump. Regular bleeding, as described above, can prevent this.

How do I clean my garden pump?

Although Einhell garden pumps should only be operated using clean water, there will still get dirty over time. Dirt particles in rainwater or impurities in well water are simply part of everyday gardening life. 

The integrated filter will be most affected by any dirt. The filter cleans the water, which protects the pump's motor and paddle wheel. So that the filter doesn't get clogged, it needs to be cleaned regularly. You can simply remove the filter and clean it using clean water.

The pipes and hoses also need to be cleaned of dirt and deposits once a year. You can get special cleaners or just use good old-fashioned vinegar essence to protect against limescale build-up. Please note: The pump should not be connected to the mains during maintenance!

A woman is working with her cordless garden pump

How do I protect my garden pump in the winter?

Garden pumps are suction pumps, which are usually built in the open. Unlike many submersible pumps, they are not protected against winter conditions. This means that special care needs to be taken to protect them from the cold. 

Before the first frost, you should make sure that all hoses and pipes leading to or from the pump are free of water. This will prevent damage caused by frozen water in the pipes. The pump itself should be dismantled and stored properly. In the next step, we'll show you the best way to do this.

A man is working with his cordless garden pump

How do I properly store my garden pump?

If you are not going to be using your garden pump for a long time, it is important to store it properly. Take note of the following steps:

  1. Disconnect the pump from the mains and clean it as described above. 
  2. Einhell garden pumps are fitted with a practical water drainage screw. Open the screw and let all of the water drain out completely. This will prevent rust damage to the metal parts.
  3. Dry the pump and then store it in a dry, frost-free room.

How do I take my garden pump out of winter hibernation?

If you have stored your pump as described above, connecting it again should be a walk in the park. You pump is in a perfect state and can be connected as explained at the start of this article. Simply select a location, check the connection ports and fill it with water.

How do I make my garden pump quieter?

Older water pumps in particular can become quite loud over time. However, the location is also an important factor to consider when it comes to your garden pump's noise level. If you want to reduce the noise level of your pump, it is best to choose a location where the pump is fixed and cannot vibrate or oscillate. Stone, concrete or asphalt floors are the best option, like in a carport, garage or cellar.

If the noise is amplified by the garden pump pipes, flexible plastic hoses can help.

A woman is working with her cordless garden pump

And we've saved our top tip for last:

Einhell's modern garden pumps are among the quietest pumps of their kind. So, if none of the above measures help, we recommend heading to the DIY store. We will show you which model is best suited for you in the product overview. 

Become your own Enabler – with garden pumps from Einhell